Here are 20 Things to do before the End of the Year to ensure that when the New Year dawns, you hit the ground running and achieve all your goals!
“The magic in new beginnings is truly the most powerful of them all.”
It’s that time of the year again when we all get together to bid adieu to the current year and welcome a brand-new one! It’s a time of much celebration and festivity, and most of us are letting go of the old year, hoping the new one will be a more successful one.
However, that won’t be the case if you continue the same old patterns into the New Year, will it?
Unless you change some things, you can’t expect the New Year to be any different from the past ones, or that you’ll achieve anything significant. Sorry to sound like a party pooper, but it’s true!
That said, you can make the coming year one of incredible success, and one of the best years of your life. For that, however, you will have to look at a few things to do before the end of the year, so that when the New Year beings, you can hit the ground running!
Are you excited to make the next year the best one yet? Well, then I’ve got just what you need – a small investment of time in the last month of this year will ensure the next one begins with a bang!
20 Things to do before the End of the Year
1. Set your Intentions for the Next Year
The New Year is just the start of another day on the calendar, but there’s something inexplicably therapeutic about it. The feeling of being able to wipe the slate clean and starting over brings us renewed hope, regardless of how the past year may have been.
So use this time to set your intentions for the New Year. I’m not using the words ‘goals’ or ‘resolutions’, although you may use them if they speak to you more. Take some time out to think about these questions:
- How would you like to feel in the New Year?
- What are three things that if changed, would make the most impact on your life?
- What do you want to leave behind before stepping into the New Year?
- What are you bringing more of into your life in the coming year?
Make sure you find some quiet time to do this and be honest with yourself. Your answers shouldn’t be based on what other people are saying on YouTube or anywhere else – they should be 100% you.
2. Make a Vision Board
A vision board is a popular way to help you reach your goals faster. Even if you don’t believe in the ‘manifesting’ power of vision boards, they do serve as visual reminders of what you’re working towards, and what your goals are. Here are a few things to consider when putting together your vision board:
- Images that capture how you want to feel in the New Year
- Words that express the mindset you want to have, or that encourage you
- Pictures of material things that you want to possess
- Photos of places you want to visit
- Anything that reminds you of your goals and the life you want
Your vision board can be digital or physical; it can be in a public place like on the wall, or it can be private, like in your planner.
3. Setup your Personal Planner
It is pretty much impossible to lead an organized life without some kind of planning system, even if it’s not a physical planning book. You may use Google calendar, Notion, or a little notepad, but you must have a proper system in place.
Having a physical planner makes it easy to organize your tasks and information, and it can also be a way to journal or track various things in your life. If you’re trying to improve some area of your life, you need to have data to see how you’re progressing, and a planner can help with that.
When setting up your planner for the New Year, you can go ahead and mark important dates and events like these:
- Birthdays and Anniversaries
- Festivals and holidays
- School term dates
- Conferences or events
- Doctor/dentist appointments
- Car servicing dates
- Home maintenance dates
Noting down all this information before the year starts helps you plan for interesting events and vacations more easily.
4. Check in on your Health
While many of us talk about ‘eating healthy’ or ‘losing weight’, rarely do we include health checkups in our goals to be healthier. Make an appointment with your doctor this year itself, and get a list of basic tests that are required for someone of your age. Then go ahead and schedule those tests and checkups in the first couple of months of the New Year, so you don’t procrastinate when you get there.
This is also a good time to talk to your doctor about any vitamins or supplements you may need, and stock up on them. Think about your lifestyle and about the various ways you can make it healthier, like analyzing your daily routine.
5. Revise your Daily Routines
Even if you think you don’t have a daily routine – you do! There is a certain sequence of events that you follow when you wake up in the morning and before you go to bed at night – that’s your current routine.
Think of ways in which you can improve your daily routine to improve your health, productivity, and relationships. Make a list of changes and plan to implement them one at a time – don’t do them all at once or you’ll end up forgoing it altogether!
Go over your weekly schedule as well as that of your family members. If there are too many activities crowding out your days, you may want to let go of some of them to simplify your life. Try to plan your schedules in a way that you all get some free time to spend together as a family.
6. Evaluate your Finances
I know you don’t want to hear this, but it’s important! Most of us dread looking at our finances – maybe we are scared of knowing how much we’re spending, or maybe we’re just overwhelmed with all the information about personal finance.
Start your New Year on the right note by at least being aware of your current financial situation. Find answers to these questions:
- How much am I making every month?
- How much am I spending every month, on average?
- How much debt do I have?
- Are my taxes paid?
- What are my monthly unavoidable expenses?
- What are my yearly unavoidable expenses?
- Am I spending beyond my means?
- Are my credit cards making me overspend?
- Do I have sufficient insurance?
- Do I have any investments?
Answering these questions will give you a good idea of where you stand, and now you can take corrective measures to fix any problems. You can book an appointment with a financial advisor who can help you with things like insurance, investments, and taxes.
7. Setup a Home Binder

Besides a personal planner, it really helps to have a separate home binder where you can track everything related to the maintenance of your home, and even your family. This keeps your personal planner from getting too cluttered and acts as a one-stop reference point for everything related to your home. Your home binder may include these:
- Cleaning schedules
- Meal plans
- Household budget tracker
- Home maintenance calendar
- Contact details of plumbers, carpenters etc.
- Project plans
- Information about appliances or servicing
If you don’t have a home binder yet, now is the best time to make one. This way, as you step into the New Year, you’ll be armed with all your cleaning schedules and meal plans in place, and you can kick off the New Year feeling great about being so organized!
8. Identify all the Repairs that need to be Made
One of the important things to do before the end of the year is to do a walk-through of your entire home, starting from the front door. Carry a pen and notepad with you, and make a list of all the things that need repairing or replacement. It can be something as small as the flowers in a vase, or something larger, like upholstering a sofa.
You don’t have to do all the repairs before the New Year, but having a list ready is helpful. Now you can call up the people you need and book their services for the repairs. If you’re doing the repairs yourself, you can make a list of supplies you need and order them in one go.
9. Create a Cleaning Schedule
One thing most of us struggle with is keeping our homes clean at all times. It feels like no matter how much we clean, it still gets dirty quickly and the whole exercise feels like it was in vain.
However, if you have a good cleaning schedule in place, you won’t stress so much about cleaning the areas of your home, since you know that each area has its time coming – it’s all scheduled! You can also check out some popular cleaning methods like the Fly Lady system or the Organized Mom Method and choose one that works for you.
10. Replace your Cleaning Tools
Speaking of cleaning, if you’re using the wrong tools, you’re unnecessarily making it too hard on yourself. The right cleaning products and tools can make a huge difference and can cut your cleaning efforts in half.
Go over all your brooms, mops, sponges, and brushes and see if they’re still good enough to do the job. If not, replace them. See if you have the right cleaning tools for all areas of your home, and all types of surfaces like wood, tile, marble, and granite. Get rid of any expired products and look for greener options.
11. Clear all surfaces
It’s a wonderful feeling to welcome the New Year into a home that radiates peace and positivity, and this is hard to do when your shelves and table tops are full of clutter. Try to keep surfaces as clear as possible, eliminating everything unnecessary.
If you do need to keep a few essentials, use a tray to contain them, which will reduce visual clutter to a great extent. Doing this before the New Year will make you realize how much junk you tend to accumulate, and you can start a habit of throwing things out before they clutter up a space.
12. Get rid of Junk
Speaking of junk, one of the most impactful things to do before the end of the year is to get rid of clutter. Make a list of the most cluttered areas in your home, and then plan to tackle each, one by one.
If there’s anything that doesn’t serve you anymore in any way, it’s time for it to go. In case it’s still in good condition, you can sell or donate it, or else bin it – it’s not worth keeping it. If you need some guidance, check out our list of 100+ things to throw away today. You won’t believe how free it makes you feel as you enter the New Year.
13. Make a Rotating Meal Plan
Every homemaker knows that planning meals can be more stressful than actually preparing said meals! Take the guesswork out of this important task by making a rotating meal plan. This means having a weekly meal plan with themed days instead of specific meals.
For instance, Mondays can be meatless, Tuesdays can be for pasta, Wednesdays for chicken, Thursdays for leftovers, and so on. Or you can have a set template, like rice + fish/chicken + cooked vegetable + yogurt. Having a basic outline and just varying the details throughout the week ensures that you aren’t completely lost when it comes to planning a meal and you also have some variety inbuilt.
You can download a free printable weekly meal plan here.
14. Replenish your Stocks
It feels good to start the New Year knowing that you have all your stocks topped up and that you are not lacking in anything. This applies to everything – groceries, household supplies, medicines, stationery, personal care items, etc. This also gets you into the habit of stocking up before things run out, so you are never left without.
Use this time to also keep an emergency stash of cards, gift wrap, and some gifts too. You can include a few items like stationery, cute notebooks, as well as some candles and bath products. Then, whenever the need arises, you can just mix and match, throw in some candy, and put together a custom gift hamper!
15. Plan your Holidays
You probably know that booking early helps you get great deals on hotels and flights, so use that knowledge to your benefit! As you set up your planner and jot down all important dates, you’ll find gaps in the year when you can take a vacation with your family.
Brainstorm on places you’d like to see, do some research on the best times to visit, and zero in on a destination (or two). Then go ahead and book everything in advance if you can, or else start saving up for it so you’re ready when it’s time. This also helps you start the New Year with something exciting to look forward to!
16. Organize your Photos
This is something most of us procrastinate on – all the more reason to get it done before the New Year! It’s a nice exercise this time of the year, to look back on the year’s memories and special moments. As you do this, delete duplicates and organize your photos into folders, and also take a backup.
If you have the time, go ahead and create a scrapbook or memory-keeping journal with the photos. You can also get a photo book made professionally, or create a gallery wall with some of the most special pictures. Now you have lots of space in your phone for new memories!
17. Create a Self Care Schedule
The word self-care is tossed around a lot, but when it comes to actually making time for it, most of us are at a loss. That’s why being intentional about creating a self-care routine is one of the most important things to do before the end of the year for yourself.
First, decide what self-care means to you – it could be a yoga session, cozying up with a book, going out to a nice dinner, spending time at the spa, or simply lazing in bed binge-watching Netflix. Whatever it is, schedule it into your day or week, and take steps to prepare for it, like signing up for a class, booking an appointment, or taking a subscription.
18. Trim your Social Media Follows
Self-care isn’t just about scheduling new things into your routine; it’s also about getting rid of some things. Your social media consumption is affecting your overall well-being, whether you realize it or not. Scrolling through pictures and videos may leave you feeling inadequate, jealous, or frustrated.
Resolve to make your social media usage in the New Year more intentional, by unfollowing accounts that are triggering negative emotions in you. If a certain account isn’t inspiring you or making you happy in any way, unfollow it. There are plenty of accounts that can actually be good for you! For instance, you may like to check out this list of interior design Youtube channels.
19. Pay your dues
You’re getting rid of physical clutter and clearing up your spaces before the New Year – but what about mental clutter? If you want to enter the New Year with a light, unburdened heart, you need to consider a few things to do before the end of the year
Return anything you’ve borrowed from anyone. If you have payments due, pay them. Close/cancel any accounts or subscriptions you’re not using. If you’ve promised someone that you’ll do something for them, either do it or tell them that you’re sorry you can’t follow through on your promise.
This is also a good time to make amends with anyone you’ve had a falling out with. If things are a little strained in a certain relationship, have an honest conversation and sort things out. If things are beyond repair, simply learn to let go – hard feelings aren’t worth dragging into the New Year.
20. Take Time Off
Once you’ve done everything you can to ensure a smooth year ahead, take some time off work and relax. It can be a weekend or just one day too. Don’t schedule anything for this day; simply relax and enjoy the feeling of having done your best for an amazing New year. Read a book, watch a movie or simply chat with a friend – just have a good time!
Preparing for the New Year doesn’t mean you have to run around in a frenzy, struggling to cross things off a list! This list of things to do before the end of the year is just a guide, and you don’t even have to do everything mentioned here. Depending upon how much time you can spare for your New Year prep, choose a few items and get started on them. Remember, something is better than nothing!