45 Easy Ways to Simplify your Life

Does your life feel cluttered, overwhelmed and out of control? Get rid of the chaos and bring in the calm with these Easy Ways to Simplify your Life.

Does your life feel cluttered, overwhelmed and out of control? Get rid of the chaos and bring in the calm with these Easy Ways to Simplify your Life.

We’re heading into the last quarter of the year. A lot has happened in 2021, and some of it has probably affected you on a personal level.

As a result, you feel constantly anxious, as if your mind is bursting at the seams with never ending to-do lists and unfinished tasks. You try to come up for air, only to be hit with another task that puts you under again.

Trust me, you’re not alone.

Household tasks, job responsibilities, caring for family, managing finances, keeping everything up and running – it’s a lot, and it can feel like life’s become one big chore.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. Not at all! We’re all about living a fabulous life here at The Fab Home, and I’m here telling you that you can live a fabulous life right now – simply by uncomplicating your life.

Have you heard of Occam’s razor? It’s a principle that says that for any problem, the simplest solution is usually the perfect one. When it comes to living an intentional and enjoyable life, all you need is to focus on your priorities and let the rest go.

Of course, that’s easier said than done, which is why we’re here to help with a list of easy ways to simplify your life – many of which you can work on right now. You’ll be surprised at why you didn’t think of these before!

45 Easy Ways to Simplify your Life

Does your life feel cluttered, overwhelmed and out of control? Get rid of the chaos and bring in the calm with these Easy Ways to Simplify your Life.

1. Do a brain dump

The single most impactful thing you can do to simplify your mind and your life is a brain dump. Take a sheet of paper, any paper, and then list down every thing on your mind. Everything, from the stain on your favorite shirt to your child’s exam to buying a new car.

Don’t bother with categorizing or sorting at this stage – the aim is to just get everything down on paper and out of your mind. You won’t believe how good this will make you feel!

2. Pick just 3 things every day

Yes, you have a to-do list that’s a mile long and to pick just three things from it seems like a joke. But if you really want to simplify your life, you need to identify your priorities. So if you have a long to-do list, look at it and decide on the most important 3 things you can do.

You’re free to do the others after these 3 are complete, but even if you accomplish nothing than these top tasks, you’ll still have had a very productive day. This exercise really helps you see what’s important and toss the rest.

3. Sleep early

You’ve heard every expert out there say why it’s important to wake up early every day, but that seems to put a lot of pressure on people. Instead, simplify things by focusing on your bedtime instead. Go to bed at a fixed time every night, preferably sometime between 10 and 11 PM.

Don’t worry about waking early. Soon you’ll find that your body adjusts its clock automatically and you start waking up earlier and earlier and voila! You’ve done what many people in the world are struggling to do.

4. Look at the next day the night before

Every night, before bed, take 10 minutes to ‘land your plane’. Quickly review your day and then look at the next day. Make sure you are prepared for everything that’s to take place the next day – workout, meals, clothes, appointments or events. Being prepared is a great way to simplify your life and have things running smoothly and without stress.

5. Theme your week

Have you noticed Instagram hashtags like ‘Motivation Mondays’, ‘Tip Tuesdays’ or ‘Throwback Thursdays’? Well you can do something similar to your week by making your own personal theme days! Mondays can be for replying to emails and meetings, Tuesdays can be for learning, Saturdays for grocery shopping and meal prep and so on. This makes it easy for you to plan out your week, and as you continue doing it, it starts to become automatic.

6. Try time blocking

I think most of us would agree that having more time would help us simplify our lives. Well, we can’t make more time, but we can certainly make the most of the time we have. Time blocking helps simplify time management where you divide each day into blocks of time, like a ‘household block’, ‘work block’, ‘me-time block’ etc.

Focus only on the purpose of the block during its time period and leave it there as you move to the next block. This helps a great deal to keep your mind free and focused on the task at hand instead of worrying about all your to-dos.

7. Use a dated planner

I would seriously recommend everyone to use a pen and paper planner; there’s something about it that doesn’t match any digital planner out there! Get a dated planner so all the dates are already jotted down for you and all you need to do is to enter your plans.

Make sure your planner has a monthly view, a weekly view and a place for goals and reviews. Remember the brain dump in step 1? If there are any items in there that need to be scheduled, you can jot them down in the particular day in the planner. There are some absolutely beautiful planners available today, from international ones like The Happy Planner, to Indian versions from Alicia Souza, Artchetype and the Ink Bucket.

8. Unsubscribe from emails and text messages

Do you feel stressed as soon as you open your email seeing all that junk mail? Get rid of them! Simplify your life by unsubscribing from all the emails that aren’t relevant to you. The same goes for SMSes you get from marketing companies and stores.

You can also sign up with a DND (Do not Disturb) service with your network provider so you don’t get unwanted calls and messages. This step can give you an incredible amount of peace – try it and see!

9. Mute notifications on your phone

How often have you been completely in the zone while working on something important, only to be interrupted by an annoying beep from your phone? Far too often, I think! Most of us belong to various groups on Whatsapp and Telegram, especially since our kids are learning online.

Mute notifications from anyone or any group that you can – of course, this doesn’t include your direct family members who may need you in an emergency. Mute all notifications from shopping apps and other apps that keep pinging you with ads and promotions. Do this and enjoy the calm!

10. Be intentional about screen time

Can you remember how much TV you watched yesterday? Or the day before? If you added all the TV time of last week, you may be surprised. Ask yourself honestly, was it really time well spent?

Too much TV time simply clutters our mind with lots of unwanted information at best and negative thoughts at worst. And if you’re watching news debates – trust me, you’re wasting your time! Instead, be intentional about your entertainment.

There are lots of other platforms these days where you can get quality content. So instead of mindlessly surfing channels, decide on a good TV show or movie that you will enjoy – without insulting your intelligence! Fine tuning the content you consume is one of the important ways to simplify your life.

11. Go on a social media diet

Did you know that  the average person spends over 5 hours a day on social media platforms? Looking at others’ lives on social media can build feelings of resentment, jealousy and low self esteem. They can also be detrimental to your health and finances, as you try to aspire to impossible standards.

One of the best ways to simplify your life is to completely quit social media. If that sounds too extreme for you, try baby steps. Maybe restrict the use of social media during the day time or your working hours. Or set specific times during the day to check your social media. Gradually you’ll find that you feel a lot calmer and less conflicted about your own life.

12. Be smart with email

DO NOT check email first thing in the morning – it’ll only have requests for what others want from you! As for social media, set specific times to check your email. There are many other things you can do with email to simplify your life.

Have some standard replies for emails of a similar nature. Make use of the starred emails feature to put aside emails that you need to work on or follow up. As far as possible, maintain a zero inbox by deleting unwanted emails and moving the others to folders.

13. Add reminders to your phone

If you tend to forget things frequently, you may find that this is adding extra stress to your life and complicating it even further. As with the brain dump, the key here is to get it all out of your head and into a system – your phone is perfect for this.

Every time you come across something that needs a certain action at a certain time or date, immediately create a reminder for it in your phone. This can be anything – following up on something, buying a gift, calling your mother or paying someone. Once it’s out of your head and in your phone, you can rest easy because now your phone has your back!

14. Automate your finances

Honestly, this needs an entire blog post dedicated to it! However, the basic thing is that our finances can be a major source of stress in our lives, and many adults don’t know how to manage their finances properly. Having control over your money matters will give you a sense of control and greatly simplify your life.

You know how much you earn, so create a budget based on it, accounting for needs, wants and savings. Make use of the auto-debit feature to manage credit card bills, loan payments or into another savings account. You’ll be surprised at how this makes life so much simpler. Paying certain bills annually instead of monthly also simplifies matters, and you may even get a discount.

15. Control your bank accounts and cards

Are you an impulsive shopper? Do you tend to rack up credit card debt? If that’s the case, a credit card may be doing you more harm than good. Cancel it and stick to a good ol’ debit card so you’re at least not spending money you don’t have.

Simplify your account management by making a list of all the bank accounts in your name. Are there old accounts you aren’t using? Maybe you can think about closing those. Be intentional about the accounts you have, like one for your incoming salary, one for your everyday expenses and one for your emergency fund.

16. Declutter your clothes and accessories

Ah, the great closet declutter! For some reason, we have a lot of trouble decluttering our wardrobes, unlike other parts of our home. But this one area may be complicating our lives unnecessarily, and we can easily simplify everyday life by getting rid of things we don’t wear.

When decluttering your clothes, go all the way and declutter your shoes bags and accessories. We tend to hoard costume jewelry, especially if they were gifts. Get rid of all the damaged pieces or ones you’ll certainly not wear. Doing this exercise will make dressing up a lot simpler, stress free and definitely more enjoyable!

17. Have an set schedule for personal care

Are you the person who thinks about going to the parlor only when someone comments on your eyebrows? Instead of having ad hoc threading or waxing sessions, set a fixed schedule for it, like the first Saturday every month. Set a date and then set a reminder to make the booking.

You can also apply this to your home personal care routine. For instance, maybe wash your hair on Mondays and Thursdays, do a deep conditioning every Sunday and an exfoliation every Wednesday. Or you can do all these things over the weekend. Whatever it is, knowing you have time set aside for this every week or month will free up your mind, knowing it’s taken care of.

18. Go minimalist on beauty products

Companies are great at getting us hooked on to their latest products, citing all kinds of new technology in them. But buying every new product and trying it out isn’t just bad for your skin and hair, it’s also bad for your pocket and you end up with a lot of unwanted products.

When it comes to beauty products, less is more, so go with the basics – moisturizer, sunscreen, cleanser and if necessary, a toner. That’s all you really need, along with a treatment for specific concerns like acne gel or pigmentation cream. For hair, a shampoo and conditioner is plenty, along with a hair oil of your choice.

19. Get rid of paper

It’s surprising how fast paper clutter builds up over the course of a week. Takeaway menus, receipts, pamphlets etc. all come in from random sources and clutters up your space – and your mind.

Once a week, maybe on Saturday or Sunday, gather all the paper lying around and deal with them. Throw away the unnecessary stuff. Scan or take a photo of ones you think you might need later. Important documents need to be properly filed away in folders. Opt for paperless billing and e-statements. Make it a habit to throw out things like ads and pamphlets as soon as you get them.

20. Have lists for everything

Your life will become a lot more simplified if you are prepared for all situations, and the best way to do this is with lists. Here are some lists you should have in ready reference – packing list, party menu, guest room prep, gift ideas, family shoe and clothing sizes, potluck meal ideas, festival prep, room measurements.

You can add anything else that may be relevant. The aim is that when you need any information about these topics, you should immediately have a place to go to. For instance, you find that you’re suddenly going to have a guest sleepover at your home tonight. The guest prep list will tell you exactly what to do to make your guest comfortable in your home.

21. Cook in bulk

You’ve probably heard of ‘cook once, eat twice’. Cooking does take time and effort, including the prepping and cleanup. So why not make the most of this effort by reaping double benefits from one cooking session?

You can cook rice in bulk and easy use it for a variety of pulaos. Pancake batter and dosa batter can be used for a few days. Make dough for flatbreads in bulk. You can also make curries in bulk and freeze portions which makes it super easy on busy weeknights.

22. Meal plan and prep

Along with cooking in bulk, you can simplify your meals by planning and prepping in advance. Many people complain that even the meal planning stage is complicated, while it certainly doesn’t have to be so!

Make meal planning simple by theming out your week. For instance, it can be a rice dish with a lentil dish on Monday, some kind of pasta or fried rice on Tuesday, flatbreads and a paneer curry on Wednesday and so on. Now that you have a template, you can look at your leftovers and produce and create a meal without wasting time thinking about what to cook.

The same goes for meal prepping – not only does it simplify cooking, it saves a lot of time. Take an hour or so during the weekend to peel onions, grind ginger and garlic, wash and chop veggies etc. Come meal time and all you have to do is throw things together in the pan.

23. Avoid packaged food

We are told that it’s healthy to avoid processed and packaged food, or to at least read the ingredient list before buying such foods. However, there’s another angle to this – buying packaged food just makes life that much more complicated.

Analyzing the ingredient list can be quite a chore, and it’s something you can do without if you are looking for ways to simplify your life. It also confuses you about whether you’re getting your required quota of macro and micro nutrients. Then you have to deal with all the packaging, follow the instructions – only to end up with a dish that tastes insipid. Do yourself a favor and don’t buy them in the first place.

24. Set reset times for your home

The thing about clutter and messes is that it multiplies exponentially. You need to have a constant watch on the mess to keep it under control. However, this doesn’t mean that you have to spend every waking moment clearing things. That’s not making life simple!

Set certain checkpoints in your day for this purpose – maybe once in the day and once before bed. Take 10-15 minutes during these times to clear any visible clutter, put away things and throw out trash. Knowing that you have time set aside for this purpose will help you focus on other tasks during the day.

25. Declutter your space

It is said that physical clutter contributes to mental clutter. When you clear out your physical space, you will automatically experience much more mental clarity. Just take up one room or even a part of a room at a time, and get rid of whatever isn’t necessary. If this feels too hard, start with a relatively easy place that doesn’t have too many sentimental items. You’ll be surprised at how good it feels to get rid of junk.

26. Have a home for everything

Just as getting rid of clutter is important, it is essential to have a place for everything. As you go through your home, you’ll identify certain places or things that tend to create the biggest messes, and the most probable reason is that they don’t have a proper home.

You don’t need fancy or expensive organizers. Make it easy to access and to put back. You can also label the boxes or baskets you’re using. Make it a system that is simple and that the whole family can follow without trouble.

27. Have a cleaning routine

After cooking, cleaning is the next most stress-causing household task. It’s one of those things that has to be done, that no one really enjoys doing, but which everyone loves after it’s done!

There are many parts of your home that need to be cleaned at different intervals, so it helps to have separate cleaning lists for things that need to be cleaned daily, weekly, monthly or less frequently. You can have a proper deep clean about twice a year or once a quarter, by hiring some help.

28. Keep an all purpose cleaner handy

Are you buying separate cleaners for the stove, kitchen counter, table tops and sink? Except for very stubborn grease, in most cases a simple cleaner will work for everything. Dilute some dish washing liquid in a spray bottle and use it whenever you need a quick clean up. Vinegar and baking soda also work well for many surfaces, except some like marble. Apart from this, you can have a strong cleaner for greasy surfaces or the kitchen chimney.

29. Avoid single purpose products

There are so many specialized products out there today, and they are marketed so skillfully they make you feel like you can’t live without one! However, what it actually does is take up valuable space in your home and complicate your already stuffed life.

Wherever possible, opt for multi-use products. For instance get a moisturizer with built in sunscreen. Making it tinted does away with the use of a foundation too. A convection microwave oven will help you cook, heat and bake. A good set of knives can do a lot of jobs in the kitchen doing away with specialty peelers and slicers.

30. Get yourself an aerobic step

Struggling to meet your daily step count? Staying active is a challenge for many of us and we think of the most complicated solutions like paying for a gym admission or buying expensive equipment. All you need is a step, which you can place anywhere in your home, however small it is. You don’t need any electricity and you can use it while catching up on your favorite TV shows or movies. It’s something the whole family can use and has a very low risk of injury too.

31. Have a water bottle near you

If you’re feeling sluggish, aren’t losing weight, have a headache or are craving soft drinks, you are most probably dehydrated. Most people only drink water when they’re thirsty, by which time the body is already short on water. If you have a busy life, it can be hard to remember to drink water multiple times a day.

Make it simple and easy by having your very own water bottle that you keep by your desk or wherever you are working. Take it with you when you move, like if you’re going to the kitchen to cook or to the couch to read. Make it a half liter or one liter bottle so it’s easy to know how many liters you’re drinking a day.

32. Have a Life Admin Day

The first time I heard about the Life Admin Day was on Muchelle’s Youtube channel. It’s a day when you catch up on all those pending tasks that may not be urgent but are still lying at the back of your mind and causing you stress.

You can have a Life Admin Day once a week or twice a month, whatever you prefer. It should be a day you are free, so you can complete all those tasks – making payments, sorting a drawer, changing a bulb, calling someone, hanging a picture, taking some printouts – anything at all.

33. Normalize saying ‘No’

Society has trained us to be people pleasers, especially in a country like India, where it’s considered disrespectful to say no to elders. However, saying ‘No’ is an essential life skill and it can go a long way in simplifying your life. By saying ‘yes’ to everything we are only overburdening ourselves.

Remember that when you say ‘Yes’ to something you aren’t really into, you are saying ‘No’ to something else that actually matters. After all, the time available to you is finite. Rather than saying yes and cancelling later, it’s better to say ‘No’ right at the start. Even if you have time to spare, if it’s a task that seems pointless, feel free to say ‘No’. And don’t apologize for it!

34. Choose your company

Jim Rohn says that ‘You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with’. Now look at the five people you spend the most time with.

Not all relationships are meant to last. And not all are positive or helpful. Some are downright damaging and toxic. Just as you declutter your space, you need to go over your company. They should be people who inspire you, who make you feel good, and are a positive influence in your life.

Avoid people who do nothing but gossip – it’s a waste of time and energy. Stay away from friends who don’t believe in your goals or are out to sabotage them. Like the ‘friend’ who insists you go shopping with her when she knows you’re on a no-spend challenge. Or the one who brings home a large chocolate cake when she knows you’re trying to eat healthy.

35. Stop multi tasking

No matter how much of a superwoman or superman you think you are, you cannot multi task – period! Humans aren’t really wired for it. Multitasking creates a mess in your head, and whatever tasks you are trying to do simultaneously will suffer in quality.

While multitasking like talking on the phone and driving is downright dangerous, you may find that certain routine tasks can work along with others. For instance, listening to music as you wash the dishes, or using the stepper while watching TV. However for any thing that requires a lot of focus, stick to single tasking.

36. Buy less

You know what’s easier than decluttering, organizing and cleaning? Buying less stuff to declutter, organize and clean! When you buy something, you aren’t just paying for the item – you are also paying for the space and materials to store and maintain it.

If you cut out impulsive purchases, you’ll find that your life becomes much more simple. If you really want to buy something, write it down on a piece of paper. List out the advantages of buying it, i.e. how having that will make your life better. Then hold on to that piece of paper and look at it after a couple of days, and see if it still means that much to you.

37. DIY only when you can

There are so many DIYers on social media these days and some of them are incredibly talented. They can make you feel like you can make anything out there if you only set your heart on it.

Probably an unpopular opinion, but I’ve found that sometimes just buying the thing you need is a lot simpler and often cheaper than making it by yourself. Not to mention that it may have design flaws – no offence intended towards your crafting skills! Gathering the supplies and tools and spending a lot of time to make it may not be worth it unless it is something you really want to do.

38. Consider buffers

To simplify your life, you need to be confident that you can handle anything that comes up, and for this you need buffers. Having a buffer for everything makes life so much more easier and stress-free.

When planning your day, leave white space in between in case tasks take up more time than expected. Have a little extra stock of non perishables in the kitchen. Have kids’ supplies like stationery and diapers in stock. If you’re a content creator, have enough content stocked up that you can post in case you get busy.

39. Spend big on things that matter

Living a simple is closely related to living frugally, but that doesn’t mean that you cheap out on the important things. While you should certainly look for the best deals available, some things are totally worth spending that extra dollar or rupee.

Here are some examples – cleaning equipment like vacuum cleaners, sturdy furniture, electronic devices, internet connections, health insurance, quality shoes, a good mattress etc. Skimping on these items will only cause you more trouble down the road.

40. Focus on not more than 3 habits

When you’re starting to simplify your life and working towards your goals, it can be very exciting. The initial enthusiasm can have you diving all in, but this soon becomes too much to handle and you find yourself stuck in a complicated mess.

Instead, go by what habits expert James Clear says, and that is to focus on not more than 3 habits at a time. Stick to these till they become a natural part of your routine before introducing a new habit. Or you could simply focus on just one keystone habit that’ll have a big impact on your life.

41. Meditate

You’re probably tired of hearing people telling you to meditate by now. Sorry, but I’m going to say it too – meditating is great! When you feel overwhelmed and as if everything is out of your control, just stop and take a breath. And meditate.

Just 15 minutes of meditation a day can have a significant impact on your stress levels. You’ll gain much more mental clarity and you may even find some easy solution for your problem that wasn’t obvious initially. Occam’s razor again!

42. Focus on being ‘Good Enough’

Perfectionists have a lot of trouble living simple lives, because their pursuit of perfection either makes them completely lethargic or they end up complicating matters.

Not everything you do has to be perfect. When you find yourself aiming for perfection in a task for which it isn’t required, remind yourself that it just needs to be good enough. Once you reach that level, that’s it – stop. So simple!

43. Downsize

This isn’t exactly an easy fix, but it is a doable one. If you live in a large home or own a large car, you are probably spending a good deal of time and effort maintaining them. Think about whether you really need such a big house, or such an expensive car.

A smaller home means less maintenance, lower bills and less cleaning – in short, a simpler life. The same goes for cars too – a smaller car is definitely more manageable. It really depends upon your needs, but where possible, it makes sense to downsize as a way to simplify your life.

44. Have a consistent routine

Do you wake up every morning and wonder what to do next? A blank canvas is a great thing for creativity, but having no structure can overwhelm you. Simplify the decisions regarding what to do by having a consistent daily routine.

Start with a proper morning and bedtime routine. Use the concept of habit stacking to build habits one on top of the other so you start automatically doing those actions in a sequence once you kickstart the routine. This relieves you of decision fatigue and lets you focus on more important things.

45. Let go

Finally, one of the most important ways to simplify your life is to simply let go. We’ve already talked about letting go of clutter and unproductive relationships, but you also need to let go of negative thoughts and emotions. Some of these may be tying you down to the past, some may be holding you back from soaring high in the future. Whatever they are, it’s time to let them go and clear your mind – it deserves only the best thoughts.

Okay, those are many ways to simplify your life – I hope they were of help! You don’t have to do all these at once – that’s not simplifying! Pick the easiest one and do that and then the next one and so on. Soon you’ll find that you have more clarity and time to spend on things you love, without feeling any guilt or resentment!

I am taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa.

Does your life feel cluttered, overwhelmed and out of control? Get rid of the chaos and bring in the calm with these Easy Ways to Simplify your Life.

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  1. What a brilliant post on how to organize one’s life! The tips are so easy and doable, and will go a long way to make life easier. Thank you for sharing this with us.

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